by Cindy HellerResearch have shown that Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER), generally called Acid Reflux, is common among children of varying age groups, especially in infants, but is often overlooked. About fifty percent of babies, within the first six months of their lives, will experience acid reflux in one way or another. This is extremely painful for the newborn, but may not necessarily be treated as a threat to health in a long term sense unless there are other symptoms that accompany acid reflux. Acid reflux, to infants, is more likely to be the discomfort that causes the pain more than the reflux itself.
Nature Of Acid Reflux
GER occurs when food and gastric acid come back up from the stomach to the esophagus. This happens during or after a meal and is quite painful because of the acid present in the stomach contents and the amount of actual stomach acid that will be present in the throat. The discomfort for this condition is unbelievably painful in infants. For this reason, it is important to know the symptoms of acid reflux in babies so that it can be treated and the child can be comforted when a reflux actually occurs.
The young's immature digestive systems are easy victims to acid reflux but as they grow up (up to one or two years of age), most children naturally come out of the problem.
Symptoms Of Acid Reflux In Children
There are many symptoms present in cases of acid reflux in children. More commonly seen symptoms include: pain, sudden crying, irritability, colic; repeated vomiting or just spitting-up; losing appetite; unable to sleep well; emission of wet burp or wet hiccup sounds; bad breath. It is essential to bear in mind that these symptoms may not necessarily mean that the infant is suffering from Acid Reflux, but are signs that means the overall digestive system of the child deserves some attention and adequate information. Remember to not get carried away with it, but at the same time nothing should be left unchecked.
Less common symptoms include: difficult to swallow food, gagging, and/or choking; throat infection and the need for constant eating and drinking to soothe it; deprived weight gain, loss of weight; husky voice; respiratory problems like asthma, bronchitis, noisy breathing, pneumonia etc.; ear infections, excessive salvation, sinus infections drooling, and peculiar neck arching.
Treatment Of Acid Reflux In Children
Various treatments are available to deal with GER in children. Most kids recover from it after turning one year old. Till then, correct positioning and feeding methods will provide relief to them. They are to be positioned upright to prevent food and acid flowing from the stomach into the esophagus with help from gravity. Burping frequently and staying away from spicy, fatty and acidic foods will also help. Medications like antacids, motility medicines, acid suppressors, and acid blockers can also treat acid reflux. But in very serious cases of reflux, surgery is performed.
There are, definitely, cases of acid reflux in infants that are significantly more grave and important than others. Monitoring should be done, all cases should, and a doctor should be alerted if the symptoms turn too serious or if the acid reflux occurs more frequent or consistent. If bleeding or loss of important function occurs due to acid reflux, a pediatrician and a specialist should be consulted at once. This is because the acid reflux has reached a dangerous level and should be examined for other possible problem.
A paediatrician, with proper test done, can identify and resolve acid reflux in children. They will be aware of the problem and how your child is affected; enabling them to take proper samples and diagnose it before getting out of hand. From here, an informed decision can be decided in terms of possible cure options and getting the acid reflux curbed to the best of the abilities. Hopefully, both you and your child can get a good night's rest with this information. Reflux Condition And Complications In Acid Reflux In Children
In lots of young babies, regurgitation of some milk, particularly when burping after meals, is a common sight. But beware of complications, usually in the form of heartburn and esophagitis. Acid flowing from the stomach to the esophaugs produces a burning sensation called Heartburn. While reddening and swelling of the esophagus due to acid backflow is known as Esophagitis. It causes extreme pain and can kill appetite. In severe cases, it can cause the inflamed part of the esophagus to bleed. Poor growth, difficulty in swallowing and breathing problems are some other complications
The Most Important Reality
Taking care of the child's emotional needs is one of the most often-suggested remedy and solutions for acid reflux in children. The primary task is to soothe your child and handle their emotional needs, as this is most damaged by the symptoms of acid reflux. It is a frustrating time, for both parent and child, to deal with the pain and to find a cure for the illness and the symptoms.
Source: Go Articles
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