By rsbombardAll of us are quite aware of the adjustable beds. Adjustable beds are ones which provide utmost relaxation to everyone. Resting on an adjustable bed after a tiresome day will definitely wipe off your tiredness.
Different people have different sleeping preferences. Some may make use of pillows to raise the heads for better breathing while some may place pillows under their knees to keep the spine straight. Poor sleeping habits often lead to various ailments.
One such ailment is Acid Reflux disease. This is caused when the flap between stomach and esophagus is not closed properly. When, a person suffering from Acid Reflux sleeps on a flat bed, acid in stomach moves to esophagus and throat, thus causing a burning sensation and a very unpleasant feeling. Esophagus has less protection and is very sensitive towards such acids.
People suffering from Acid Reflux are advised not to sleep straight. Elevating the head at least to six inches and sleeping at a sloping position helps avoid the acids from stomach entering the esophagus. This will eliminate the cause of burning sensation and unpleasantness.
Using several pillows to raise you head will cause more uncomfortable than relaxation. Instead the desired position can be achieved by use of adjustable beds. You can set your adjustable bed to keep your head raised while sleeping and so acid never leaks into esophagus.
So you are now free from all those unpleasant feelings which have been troubling you from quite a long time. Moreover you can avoid your sleep being disrupted by Acid reflux disease.
There are various manufacturers of adjustable beds. Some good brands provide you with as many as 1000 comfort positions. So there's hardly any chance that you may not find the position right for you. You no more have to worry about sleeplessness due to your medical condition.
Some adjustable beds have manual controls while some can be electrically controlled. Sitting on your bed you can adjust the position and relax. Some top brands of adjustable beds offer heat and massage options.
Adjustable beds are known for the comfort they provide and better sleep. With adjustable beds you'll never have to work so much to make yourself comfortable. You just have to use a few controls to adjust your bed as per your needs. That's it.
If any of you are suffering from Acid Reflux Disease then you really need not think twice about buying an adjustable bed. Help yourself by getting one.
Source: Free Articles
Adjustable Beds For Acid Reflux Disease
Posted by Goong | 9:44 AM | Acid Reflux Cures | 0 comments »
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